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Budget Submissions: FY 2024-25 | FY 2023-24 | FY 2022-23 | FY 2021-22
FY 2025-26 Budget Request
January 23, Supplemental Comebacks and Requests
- Letter to the Joint Budget Committee 1/23/2025
January 15, Letters to the Joint Budget Committee
- Caseload & Budget Amendments Letter 1/15/2025
- All Budget Documents, Schedules, and Reports 1/15/2025
January 9, Department of Corrections Caseload Requests
January 2, Supplemental Budget Request Submission
- Supplemental and Budget Amendment Requests Letter 1/2/2025
- All Budget Documents, Schedules and Reports 1/2/2025
- Supplemental Capital Construction Requests 1/2/2025
- IT Capital Construction Supplemental 1/2/2025
December 11, Non-Prioritized Supplementals
December 9, 1331 Supplemental Requests
- Letter to Joint Budget Committee 12/9/24
November 1, Budget Request Submission
October 1, State-Funded IT Capital Request
October 1, Non-Prioritized Capital Request
September 16, Cash-Funded Capital Construction Requests
FY 2024-25 Budget Request
September 6th, 1331 Supplemental Requests
June 6th, 1331 Supplemental Request
April 29th, Long Bill Transmittal Letter
March 12th, Comebacks and Requests
January 30th, Amendment to ARPA Rollforward Request
January 29th, Submission to Capital Development Committee
January 25th, Supplemental Comebacks and Requests
January 16th, Supplemental Adjustments and Requests
January 2nd, Submission to Joint Technology Committee
January 2nd, Submission to Capital Development Committee
January 2nd, Supplemental Budget Request Submission
December 11th, Submission to Joint Technology Committee
December 11th, Submission to Capital Development Committee
November 27th, 1331 Supplemental Request
November 16th, Presentation to Joint Budget Committee
November 1st, Budget Request Submission
October 3rd, IT Capital Construction Requests
October 3rd, Non-Prioritized Capital Requests
September 15th, Cash-Funded Capital Construction Requests
September 15th, Cash-Funded IT Capital Construction Requests
FY 2023-24 Budget Request
September 7th, 1331 Supplemental Request
June 6th, 1331 Supplemental Request
May 26th, Supplemental IT Capital Request
May 25th, Supplemental Capital Construction/Renewal Request
March 13th, Comebacks and Requests
January 27th, Supplemental Comebacks and Requests
January 25th, Supplemental Comebacks and Requests
January 20th, Supplemental Adjustments and Requests
January 17th, Supplemental Adjustments and Requests
January 3rd, Supplemental Budget Request Submission
December 12th, Submission to Capital Development Committee
November 15th, Presentation to Joint Budget Committee
November 1st, Budget Request Submission
FY 2022-23 Budget Request
September 7th, 1331 Submissions from BHA, CDPHE, and CDE
August 12th, 1331 Submissions from CDHE and DMVA
March 31st, Capital Submission of Nonmonetary Supplemental
March 14th, Comebacks Submission
January 24th, Comebacks Submission
January 18th, Budget Submission
January 3rd, Budget Amendment and Supplemental Package
December 10th, Submission of FY 2021-22 Supplemental and FY 2022-23 Budget Amendment IT Capital Requests
- Letter to Joint Technology Committee
- Letter to Capital Development Committee
- Presentation to Capital Development Committee (January 20, 2022)
November 1st, Budget Request Submission
- Budget Request Transmittal Summary
- Budget Request Transmittal
- Governor's Budget Presentation
- All Budget Documents, Schedules, and Report
October 1st, Non-Prioritized Capital and IT Capital Submission
September 15th, Submission of 2022-23 Capital Requests