Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get my log in?

    If you currently hold a state issued license or designation, please email the LADDERS support team at to request access to LADDERS. Please include the following in your email:

    • Current agency name
    • License number (for CS and SUD)
    • Your contact information 

    New Providers

    Please submit agency information through an online form here:

    Upon OBH verification, the provider will receive a username and access to the OBH Online Application System (LADDERS).
  • How do I renew my license?
    • Log in to LADDERS and navigate to Renew a License. Choose New to add a renewal license. 
    • When choosing the site you would like to renew, a list of locations will appear as you type in the name of your agency. Be sure to choose the site you would like to renew and not the General Account.
    • Initial and renewal licenses for SUD require payment which can be made using a credit card or electronic check. Please note that there is a small fee associated with credit card payments.
    • Renewal applications will not be accepted until a license or designation is within 90 days of expiring.
  • How do I update information in the LADDERS directory?

    You can update your hours of operation, phone number, and other details by logging in to the LADDERS Provider Home Page. Be aware that once you have updated your provider directory information and clicked save, your information will appear in the directory. 

    To change any information other than directory details, please submit a modification application.

  • Where do I find the Zoning Confirmation form?
    Zoning Confirmation Form

    A link to this form can also be found in the online application, under Upload Documents.
Please contact us at with any additional questions.