Kaiser Permanente and Employees Make Major Donation to Colorado COVID Relief Fund
DENVER - Governor Jared Polis and Kaiser Permanente announced today that the health care organization and its employees will donate $500,000 to the Colorado COVID Relief Fund, $300,000 of which will be restricted to organizations applying to do contact tracing, specifically organizations focused on cultural competency within Colorado communities. The remaining $200,000 will come through Kaiser Permanente’s employee donation matching campaign, ending on September 30, 2020.
“It has been incredible to see so many Coloradans stepping up to support our state’s COVID response, and we are thrilled by the generous contribution from Kaiser Permanente and its employees. Contact tracing is a critical part of containing this virus, and this support will help bolster our state’s program as well as Colorado’s response to the pandemic,” said Governor Jared Polis. “This pandemic is far from over, and we all have to remain vigilant. We must continue wearing masks when leaving the house, washing our hands, and following social distancing practices.”
The donation will help support the state’s infrastructure and get closer to reaching the goal that all those who test positive for COVID-19 through the State’s testing sites and all potentially exposed individuals be contacted within 24-48 hours.
“At Kaiser Permanente we know there is an urgent need for developing new means of quickly identifying and stopping the spread of this virus. It’s imperative we continue to provide support to all Coloradans, especially those in underserved communities who are disproportionately impacted by this pandemic,” said Mike Ramseier, president for Kaiser Permanente in Colorado. “We’re proud to provide this donation to the COVID-19 Relief Fund which is one more way we can help our communities stay healthy.”
The COVID Relief Fund is a partnership with the State of Colorado, Mile High United Way and Colorado Health Foundation to help Colorado recover from the economic and social impacts of COVID-19. Specific to the coronavirus pandemic, Mile High United Way is the statewide first-line response for all human service needs as they relate to COVID-19, operating the 2-1-1 Help Center with navigation services to community support.
“Kaiser Permanente has been a pillar in our community for over 50 years. They are constantly leading the way in community giving, and this unprecedented time is no exception. Mile High United Way is grateful for their continued leadership and supporting the health needs of all Coloradans,” said Christine Benero, President and CEO, Mile High United Way.
Through five rounds of funding, the Colorado COVID Relief Fund has provided support to more than 765 nonprofit organizations, totaling $16.32 million.
Eligible organizations can apply at www.helpcoloradonow.org beginning in August.