Governor Polis Takes Action in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Sunday, June 14, 2020

DENVER - Gov. Jared Polis signed Executive Orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Governor took action and signed Executive Order D 2020 101, ordering state agencies to help prevent evictions of tenants economically harmed by the coronavirus pandemic. 

Gov. Polis also signed Executive Order D 2020 099, which allows the Department of Local Affairs to continue to provide rental and mortgage assistance and encourages local governments to loosen housing restrictions.  In addition, the Governor signed an Executive Order continuing expedited unemployment insurance claims processing and one providing relief to public utility customers affected by COVID-19.

The Governor signed Executive Order D 2020 103, temporarily suspending certain statutes around signature collection for unaffiliated and independent candidates who are required to file petition with the Secretary of State under Title 1, and authorizing the Secretary of State to create temporary rules to allow for mail and email signature collection. 

Gov. Polis also signed an Executive Order ordering the temporary suspension of certain regulatory statutes concerning the signature collection for ballot issues and authorizing the Secretary of State to create temporary rules to allow for mail and email signature collection.

