Gov. Polis Announces Clemency for Eight Individuals
DENVER - Today, Governor Jared Polis announced commutations for three individuals and pardons for five individuals.
“Clemencies are a tremendous responsibility given to a governor that can change a person’s life,” said Governor Jared Polis. “These decisions were not taken lightly and were made after careful consideration of each individual case. These are people looking for a second chance and the opportunity to move beyond the mistakes from their past. They have taken important steps to turn their lives around and shown remorse for their actions.”
Commutations were granted to Erik Jensen, William Hoover Jr., and Abron Arrington.
Pardons were granted to Eric Edelstein, John Furniss, Brandon Burke, Jamie Matthews, and Ingrid Encalada LaTorre.
The commutations announced today include immediate parole eligibility and mandatory parole on March 1, 2020. The pardons restore rights and remove limitations that result from criminal convictions.
In October, Governor Polis recreated the Executive Clemency Advisory Board. The Board reviews clemency applications and provides recommendations to the Governor for commutations and pardons.
Click here to read the executive orders and clemency letters.