Video: Vaccine Dry Run Drill

Thursday, December 10, 2020

DENVER — The Colorado Unified Coordination Center completed the drill to test its ability to deliver the COVID-19 vaccine to a distribution facility from Denver International Airport. In a four hour end-to-end drill, the Pfizer vaccine arrived at Denver International Airport where it was loaded onto a secure vehicle and driven to Vail Health, one of several distribution centers across the state. 

Here is a video of the vaccine dry run drill completed earlier this week. 

At Vail Health, it was transferred into the refrigerator and then removed for a practice injection. Each step included security protocols, some of which will allow the state to monitor its supply of the vaccine so not one dose of vaccine is wasted. 

 The training allowed simultaneous training engagements to take place:

  1. Colorado Unified Coordination Center, CDPHE and CDPS staff focused on the hand-to-hand transport of the vaccine, experiencing each logistical milestone. 

  2. The Unified Coordination Center conducted a tabletop training to game out problematic scenarios such as disruptions to transportation routes.

Governor Polis and state officials discussed Colorado’s vaccine distribution. The Governor stated that the focus of this plan is to save lives and end the crisis as soon as possible. 

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