Governor Polis Statement on 2020 Election

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

DENVER - Governor Jared Polis released the following statement on the 2020 election: 

“Coloradans have shown ourselves to be a national model for how to hold safe, secure, reliable, and efficient elections, and this year we have exercised our rights in a record-breaking fashion. The sun did rise this morning, as it will tomorrow and the day after, and while we all patiently await the results of the Presidential election and other races around the country, it’s important to highlight that in this historic election, Colorado solidified itself as one of the best places in the country to live, work and play, or to start and run a business. Coloradans overwhelmingly supported a measure to provide free preschool to every four-year-old in our state. We voted in support of our firefighters, small businesses, and local communities. Voters provided tax relief for every Coloradan and paved the way for broader fiscal and tax reform. I look forward to working with the state legislature and local officials to build ourselves back even stronger than where we were before the pandemic, save people money on health care, invest in education, take bold climate action and create good-paying jobs and build an economy that works for all.”