Governor Polis Signs Laws to Help Hardworking Coloradans & Address Property Tax Challenges

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

ARVADA - Today, Governor Polis signed new laws passed by the state legislature from the 74th General Assembly’s special session. These new laws will help hardworking Coloradans, ensure that thousands of Colorado children have access to the food they need to succeed, and address long-term property tax challenges.

“This special session was about delivering relief for hardworking Coloradans. In addition to providing needed short-term relief on property taxes and saving Coloradans money, the legislature also took steps to offer much-needed support to help more Coloradans stay in their homes and access healthy food, while paving the way for long-term solutions to reduce the cost of living,” said Governor Polis.

This afternoon at a school in Arvada, Governor Polis signed SB23B-002: Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, sponsored by Senators Rachel Zenzinger and Jeff Bridges, and Representatives Shannon Bird and Lorena Garcia, and HB23B-1001: Emergency Rental Assistance Grant Program, sponsored by Representatives Mandy Lindsay and Leslie Herod, and Senators Julie Gonzales and Janet Buckner. 

Governor Polis also signed HB23B-1003: Property Task Force, sponsored by Representative Marc Snyder, Senator Kyle Mullica, and Senate President Steve Fenberg. The Governor was joined by a bipartisan group of county commissioners and mayors at the bill signing.

Here is what local county commissioners are saying about the signing of HB23B-1003:

“I appreciate Governor Polis for including stakeholders and local elected officials for input, including five county commissioner positions on the resultant task force, to get this right. This bill is tailored to the unique environments and conditions that exist in different parts of our state but one that will benefit all Coloradans,” said Republican Teller County Commissioner Dan Williams.

“When so many Coloradans are struggling with increasing costs of every aspect of their lives. I applaud the Governor and the Legislature for taking the lead to provide necessary property tax relief, but this conversation is just beginning. The task force that will lead this conversation forward was carefully designed to ensure we both continue to focus on affordability for our residents and recognize the importance of the social and physical safety net that counties are responsible for. The work of this task force could not be more important to the future of Colorado,” said Democratic Summit County Commissioner Tamara Pogue.

"I am thankful the Legislature increased the number of County Commissioners on this Task Force. Most Federal and State Services are actually provided through County Government departments and employees.  We have the most precise understanding of how property taxes work and what they pay for.  I appreciate Governor Polis signing this bill, and I look forward to the Task Force recommendations," said Republican Grand County Commissioner Rich Cimino.

"Property taxes fund essential services for our constituents, including public safety, physical and mental health, roads and bridges, open and accurate elections, food security, and housing stability. All of these local government services rely heavily on property taxes.  HB23B-1003 gives local government leaders -- who deliver these services -- a few seats at the table. Any proposed changes to property taxes must balance the desire to help families minimize their tax burden, while maximizing their access to services that these families need,” said Adams County Commissioner and CCI President Steve O’Dorisio. 

“Counties across our state are incredibly diverse – their demographics, geography, politics and fiscal condition. HB23B-1003 guarantees that commissioners from five different regions of the state will serve on the commission, providing diverse perspectives on local financial conditions and ensuring that the recommendations developed are workable for all local governments and their budgets,” said Park County Commissioner and Chair of CCI Tax & Finance Steering Committee Dick Elsner. 
