Alternative Care Facilities

Alternative Care Facilities (ACF) are Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) certified assisted living residences that offer elders and persons with disabilities health services in a community setting, which include:

  • 24-hour protective oversight
  • Daily living skills assistance
  • Personal care services
  • Homemaker services

ACF services are available to clients enrolled in the Elderly, Blind, and Disabled (EBD) waiver, the Community Mental Health Supports (CMHS) waiver, and the Medicaid Buy-In Program.

Required Training

New ACF Provider Training - required as part of the enrollment process for all new ACF providers

Per Diem Information

Visit our Rates page under the HCBS heading for the latest on ACF rates and per diem information

Optional Assessment Tools

The following assessment tools are offered to assist facilities in performing robust assessment processes prior to admission decisions. These assessment tools are not required, but are provided for optional use by Assisted Living Residences (ALRs) and Alternative Care Facilities (ACFs).

Disclaimer: Use of these documents does not constitute nor imply any compliance with Federal or State rules and regulations. All facilities must follow their own internal guidelines and policies for admission. All facilities are responsible for gathering the appropriate information required to ensure the facility is able to meet the needs of each individual admitted.

Choose the version that works best for your agency.

Stakeholder Engagement

ACF Tiered Rate Methodology Stakeholder Engagement Meeting

Other Resources

Questions? HCPF_HCBS_Questions@state.co.us