Profile - PHA.0024037
Profile - PHA.0024037
General Disclaimer:
The information posted on the Healthcare Professions Profile Program (HPPP) website was provided by applicants for an original license; applicants for reinstatement or reactivation of an existing license; as well as by those individuals renewing a license. While the Division believes the information to be reliable, human or mechanical error remains a possibility, as does the delay in the posting or updating of information. The Division makes no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and the information is not verified by the HPPP staff. The Division will take action to obtain compliance with the requirements to provide accurate and timely information as required by law when information is received that indicates information required by law has not been provided or is not accurate.

Availability Disclaimer:
Healthcare professionals who have an inactive or lapsed license are not required to complete a Healthcare Professions Profile until they apply for reactivation or reinstatement. If you have questions about a missing Healthcare Professions Profile or any missing documents that should be listed, please contact the Healthcare Professions Profile Program at or 303-894-5942.

Malpractice Claims Disclaimer: Some studies have shown that there is no significant correlation between malpractice history and a healthcare professional's competence. At the same time, consumers should have access to malpractice information. To make the best healthcare decisions, you should view this information in perspective. You could miss an opportunity for high quality care by selecting a healthcare professional based solely on malpractice history. When considering malpractice data, please keep in mind: Malpractice histories tend to vary by profession and by specialty. Some professions or specialties are more likely than others to be the subject of litigation. You should take into account how long the healthcare professional has been in practice when considering malpractice averages. The incident causing the malpractice claim may have happened years before a payment is finally made. Sometimes, it takes a long time for a malpractice lawsuit to move through the legal system. Some healthcare professionals work primarily with high-risk patients. These healthcare professionals may have malpractice histories that are higher than average because they specialize in cases or patients who are at very high risk for problems. Settlement of a claim may occur for a variety of reasons that do not necessarily reflect negatively on the professional competence or conduct of the healthcare professional. A payment in settlement of a malpractice action or claim should not be construed as creating a presumption that malpractice has occurred. You may wish to discuss information provided, and malpractice generally, with your healthcare professional.

Name Beau Labez-Tapang
Credential PHA.0024037

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Introduction

Healthcare Professions Profile | Introduction

Please be aware that this profile is only for your PHARMACIST license. Do not provide information for other license types you hold on this profile. You will be required to complete a profile for every license you hold that is included in the profiling requirement.

All information provided in this profile must be updated within 30 days of any change of information unless your profession's statute says otherwise, or unless the question specifies otherwise.

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Location of Practice

Healthcare Professions Profile | Location of Practice

Are you currently practicing in the healthcare profession associated with this profile?

Healthcare Profile - Location of Practice if Yes (WF)

Healthcare Professions Profile | Location of Practice

Practice Locations:

Address  City  State  Zip Code  Phone Number 
8060 S Kyrene Road

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Education and Training

Healthcare Professions Profile | Education and Training

Education Level:
Doctorate Degree

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Other Licenses

Healthcare Professions Profile | Other Licenses

Have you ever held, or do you currently hold any other licenses in this profession from any other state, country or province?

Healthcare Profile - Other Licenses if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Other Licenses

Other Licenses:

State  License Status  Year Originally Issued 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Board Certifications

Healthcare Professions Profile | Board Certifications

Do you hold any current Board Certifications?

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Board Certifications if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Board Certifications

Board Certifications:

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Practice Specialties

Healthcare Professions Profile | Practice Specialties

Do you have a practice specialty in which you are appropriately trained and actively practicing?

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Practice Specialties if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Practice Specialties

Practice Specialties:

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Colorado Hospital Affiliations

Healthcare Professions Profile | Colorado Hospital Affiliations

Do you have a current affiliation or clinical privileges with any Colorado Hospital?

Healthcare Profile - Colorado Hospital Affiliations if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Colorado Hospital Affiliations

Colorado Hospital Affiliations:

Hospital  Affiliation Type  City 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Other Facility and Out of State Hospital Affiliations

Healthcare Professions Profile | Other Facility and Out of State Hospital Affiliations

Do you have a current affiliation with any healthcare facility or a non-Colorado hospital?

Healthcare Profile - Other Facility and Out of State Hospital Affiliations if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Other State Hospital Affiliations

Other Healthcare Facility Affiliations:

Facility  Affiliation Type  City  State 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Business Ownership

Healthcare Professions Profile | Business Ownership

Do you have a current business ownership interest in any healthcare-related business?

Healthcare Profile - Business Ownership if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Business Ownership

Business Ownership:

Business Name  City  State 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Employer

Healthcare Professions Profile | Employer

Do you have an employer in the profession in which you are licensed or are applying for a license?

Healthcare Profile - Employer if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Employer


Employer Name  Address  City  State  Zip Code  Phone Number 
Medimpact Direct
8060 S Kyrene RD
(855) 876-8739

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Employment Contracts

Healthcare Professions Profile | Employment Contracts

Do you have a contract with any business whose mission relates to healthcare services or products where the value is greater than $5000 annually?

Healthcare Profile - Employment Contracts if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Employment Contracts

Employment Contracts:

Entity Name  Length of Contract  Contract Position 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Disciplinary Actions

Healthcare Professions Profile | Disciplinary Actions

Have you ever had public disciplinary action taken against your license by any board or licensing agency in any state or country?

Healthcare Profile - Disciplinary Actions if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary Actions:

Discipline Year  State 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Restrictions and Suspensions

Healthcare Professions Profile | Restrictions and Suspensions

Have you ever entered into any agreement or stipulation to temporarily cease your practice or had a board order issued restricting or suspending your license?

Healthcare Profile - Restrictions and Suspensions if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Restrictions and Suspensions

Restrictions and Suspensions:

Restriction Year  State 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Healthcare Facility Actions

Healthcare Professions Profile | Healthcare Facility Actions

Since September 1, 1990, have you had any final actions resulting in involuntary limitations or probationary status on or reduction, nonrenewal, denial, revocation or suspension of medical staff membership or clinical privileges at a hospital or healthcare facility? You are not required to report a precautionary or administrative suspension unless you resigned your medical staff membership or clinical privileges while the suspension was pending.

Healthcare Profile - Healthcare Facility Actions if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Healthcare Facility Actions

Healthcare Facility Actions:

Facility Name  City  State  Type of Action  Year of Action  Duration  Terms Complete 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Termination of Employment

Healthcare Professions Profile | Termination of Employment

Have you ever been terminated by an employer for a reason that would be considered a violation of your profession's practice law?

Healthcare Profile - Termination of Employment if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Termination of Employment


Employer Name  Termination Date 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Convictions

Healthcare Professions Profile | Convictions

Since you were issued a license to practice your profession in any state or country, have you had any final criminal conviction(s) or plea arrangement(s) resulting from the commission or alleged commission of a felony or crime of moral turpitude in any jurisdiction?

Healthcare Profile - Convictions if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Convictions


Year  State  Jurisdiction 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Malpractice Claims

Healthcare Professions Profile | Malpractice Claims

Since September 1, 1990, have you had any final judgment, entered into a settlement, or paid an arbitration award for malpractice?

Healthcare Profile - Malpractice Claims if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Malpractice Claims

Malpractice Claims:

Year  State  Claim Type  Arbitrator, Mediator or Court 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Malpractice Carrier Refusal

Healthcare Professions Profile | Malpractice Carrier Refusal

Have you been denied liability insurance, or has your liability insurance coverage been limited, restricted or terminated by the insurance carrier?

Healthcare Profile - Malpractice Carrier Refusal if Yes

Healthcare Professions Profile | Malpractice Carrier Refusal

Malpractice Carrier Refusal:

Carrier Refusal Year 

Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Optional Narrative

Healthcare Professions Profile | Optional Narrative

Optional Narrative:


Healthcare Profile - Pharmacist Attestation

Healthcare Professions Profile | Attestation

By submitting this Healthcare Professions Profile to the Division of Professions and Occupations you are attesting that:
  • I am the person identified in this profile; or
  • You are authorized to submit information on behalf of the person identified in this profile; and
  • The information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Submission Date:

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  • Select the "Print Review" button in the upper right hand corner of this page
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  • After printing, close the Print Review browser tab.

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